Visual Questionnaire #013: Catalina de la Cruz
In this section, we invite a person related to the field of artists’ publications to answer seven questions of a questionnaire with images. The main rule is that each question…
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Collection #013 | ACOPIO
This publication by Raúl Varas Bustamante, published by Ediciones de Arquitectura, is part of our personal collection and has been specially selected for the March newsletter. Here are some facts…
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Visual Questionnaire #012: Josh Hockensmith
In this section, we invite a person related to the field of artists’ publications to answer seven questions of a questionnaire with images. The main rule is that each question…
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Perdida | Isabel de la Fuente
$4,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
Solución Oftálmica | Carlos Soto Román
$4,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
UNI/vers(;) Visual and Experimental Poetry Portfolio | Guillermo Deisler
$500,000 – $900,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
Nostalgia del Fascismo | Rony Gullé
$30,000 – $60,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP)
El libro – Diez segundos de lectura | Naranja Publicaciones
$15,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
Unscripted depictions of a house | Rodrigo Valenzuela Jerez
$20,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
Habitantes de la Imagen | Sofía Garrido
$25,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
Del reino de lo invisible | Paloma Villalobos
$90,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
リルケの書簡集の冒頭におかれた「断片日記」のなかに、つぎの情景がみいだされる。| Sebastián Arancibia
$18,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
Borradura de una partitura – Sebastián Barrante
$80,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP) -
Manual | Macarena Urzúa
$25,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP)