This publication by Seth Siegelaub, which is part of our personal collection, is connected to Curated Table #006: Collaborative projects. Here is some information about the work.
  • Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt, Robert Morris, Lawrence Weiner is a work by Seth Siegelaub (1941 – 2013) originally published in 1968 and republished by Roma Publications (Netherlands), The appel arts centre and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam in 2015.
  • The book is also called “The xerox book”.
  • The publication was born from the invitation of Seth to seven artists (named in the title) to work with twentyfive pages of the book as an exhibition that will be reproduced by xerox printing as a starting point.
  • Originally, they couldn’t made it in xerox printing because of the high costs of production.
  • The 1968 work has a print run of one thousand copies.

Author Seth Siegelaub | Tecniques off-set | Format Softcover book | Publishers Roma Publications, The appel arts centre y Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam | Dimensions 21.1 × 27.9 cm | Print run 1600 | Language English | Year of publication 1968-2015 | Mode of acquisition Gift

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