Bringing together different visions in a publication requires a common space, a sequence of events, and a synchronic time. Ulises Carrión may not have agreed with our deliberate use of these concepts, but we wanted to appropriate them because we believe that they bring together the determining factors in the creation of a collective publication, where people from different backgrounds manage to join forces to develop a common work.

In this Curated Table #6 we wanted to select some of the many collective publications that we have in the commercial catalog of Naranja Publicaciones. The number of participants in each of them varies, some are pairs, others six people, and even hundreds of participants, but they all converge in the possibility of creating a work that unites a diversity of perceptions, materialities, and times.

  1. Unscripted depictions of a house by Rodrigo Valenzuela (Ed. Academia Espacial, Núcleo Lenguaje Creación UDLA, Naranja Publicaciones, 2023)

Unscripted depictions of a house is a publication that records a project devised by Rodrigo Valenzuela Jerez, which consisted in inviting a group of artists, photographers, and documentary makers to depict a specific house imposing only one obstruction: not to represent architecture as a fetishized fixed reality.

Between 2017 and 2023, the group documented the house in its different stages: from its construction, moving, and initial occupation to the dynamics of use by the family under lockdown. Thus, through the lenses of Bárbara Oettinger, Bruno Salas, Diego Grass, Emilio Marín, Francisco Jullian, Luis Correa, Macarena Álvarez, Sebastián Mejía and Naranja Publicaciones, the house became a study and experimentation field.

In 2021, barco gallery hosted a conversation sparked by the exhibition of the project in Santiago, Chile. The text in this publication is a remix of that conversation, edited by Bárbara Rozas.

2. seis sextinas by Fernando Pérez Villalón (PUBLICAR, 2023)

“The sextina is a poetic form of six stanzas of six lines each, plus a three-line ending, which gives a total of thirty-nine lines, usually hendecasyllabic. Its main characteristic is that the final words of the first six lines are repeated throughout the poem, modifying their order according to the following scheme (…).”

As its name suggests, seis sextinas is a compilation of six sextinas written by Fernando Pérez Villalón and assigned to six artists invited to create a graphic work based on them. Thus, the publication is structured on the basis of poems interspersed with contributions by Fernanda Aránguiz, Catalina Bauer, Vicente Cociña, Ana Lea-Plaza, Naranja Publicaciones and Alejandra Valenzuela, to configure a new graphic and poetic composition.

3. Midway by Mónica Bengoa and John Yau (Collectif Génération, 2017)

Artists’ book produced by Gervais Jassaud as part of ‘Collectif Generation’, an editorial project in which an artist is invited to intervene copies of a book edited by Jassaud, these copies contain the text of a writer previously invited to collaborate as well.

In Midway the texts of John Yau, Asian descendant poet from the United States, are combined with the manual work of Mónica Bengoa in a multiple direction layout, thus generating a reading which is as particular as the poems it contains and the nature of the interventions it supports.

4. Habitantes de la imagen by Sofía Garrido (Naranja Publicaciones, 2024)

Habitantes de la imagen (Inhabitants of the Image) is a publication resulting from the homonymous installation developed by artist and designer Sofía Garrido.

This interactive installation invited people from different communities to answer a set of questions related to the relationship with mobile devices and social media, in an attempt to understand, question and reflect on the social and personal changes brought about by the massification of post-photographic practices.

From the answers given by the participants, the artist created a live printed archive, which served as the basis for the creation of this collective publication, which gathers a selection of 219 answers, building a choral sample that integrates people from different territories and generations.

5. PUBLICAR by Fernanda Aránguiz (PUBLICAR, 2021)

“The idea arose from my desire to install and deepen the reflection about publications in Chile and also, above all, to make a publication about publications” says Fernanda.

In the book PUBLICAR the words printed inside and the graphic pieces that surround it arise from these desires and from the awareness that every day, every moment, countless publications are made all over the world both in the sense of “publishing as sharing” and “making an audience”. And each of these is in itself an attempt to answer the questions: what are publications and what is publishing?

The main source of the contents of the research was made by the collaborators Javiera Barrientos, Fernando Pérez Villalón, Casa en Blanco, Otra Sinceridad, Sandra Marín, Naranja Publicaciones and Impresionante, under the design of Adrián Quezada.

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