Catálogo Urbano | Francisco Estarellas


This series of images were collected my everyday walks. It is through the abstraction of the different fragments and memories of the city that I was making up an urban archeology in which I could establish an “arbitrary, subjective taxonomy”. A catalog is a list in which a series of objects are grouped and ordered according to a certain type of criterion or relationship. This agglutinating criterion was in my case the action of filing the pieces of my own deconstructive repertoire of the city.

Francisco Estarellas


$55,000 Pesos chilenos (CLP)

In stock

Additional information
Weight 0.190 kg
Dimensions 14.5 × 2 × 21 cm
About the author

About the author

Francisco Estarellas (Buenos Aires, 1981) se formó en el I.U.N.A. (Licenciatura en Artes Visuales, Orientación Pintura) y en distintos talleres incluyendo el de Julio Lavallén (2006-2008). En el 2011-2012 trabajó en un proceso de clínica de obra con Marcelo Pelissier.
En el 2013 formó parte de la Beca de formación en Arte Contemporáneo ABC coordinada por Marcelo Pelissier, Pablo De Monte, Lucas Marín y Claudio Ongaro Haelterman. En el 2014 participó del Programa de artistas de Proyecto PAC, con clínicas de obra a cargo de Eduardo Stupía, Rafael Cipollini, Andrés Waissman, Valeria González y Rodrigo Alonso.
Asistió a distintos seminarios de teoría y filosofía del arte en el Programa de artistas Conti/FNA, el Centro Cultural Rojas, el CIA y en la Universidad Torcuato DiTella.
En 2016 quedo seleccionado en el Salon Nacional de Artes Visuales en la disciplina de Pintura. Y seleccionado en el Programa de Residencias RAP de PANAL 361 en asociación con Taller BLOC (Santiago de Chile) durante enero de 2017. Seleccionado “Agente” del Programa de artistas de CIA , coordinado por Roberto Jacoby, del que participo durante 2017. En 2018 fue finalista en el Premio Itaú de artes visuales.Y en el concurso Jóvenes Grabadores.

This series of images were collected my everyday walks. It is through the abstraction of the different fragments and memories of the city that I was making up an urban archeology in which I could establish an “arbitrary, subjective taxonomy”. A catalog is a list in which a series of objects are grouped and ordered according to a certain type of criterion or relationship.  This agglutinating criterion was in my case the action of filing the pieces of my own deconstructive repertoire of the city.

It is in its same nomination (literal) where I find the possibility of mounting a new iconological sense about these objects/architectures, by means of a classifying objectivity, as if it were the manual of a gaze, of an attention. Marked by its passage to imprinting in negative by means of blueprint, these fragments are negated in their habitual meaning and transported to a space that places them in a tension between their memory and the design of this antique technique of copying of architectural drawings. It is in this vacuum where something ghostly might appear, something provisional might emerge. The graphic production of this issue was completely developed in an artisanal manner: Both the imprinting system through blueprint (photographic technique by emulsion) the mounting of the workshop with the construction of the platemakers and the paper cuts; as the projection of the productive times, their binding and imprinting of the covers; generating in this way a co-operative process and global of the work. Each issue has an additional technical information manual about the production process.

Francisco Estarellas

Technical Specifications

Author: Francisco Estarellas

Technique: Cyanotype

Formato: Soft cover book. Inside developed artisanally with the technique of blueprint. Cover and inner instructive printed in serigraphy. 

Publisher: Fábrica de cianotipos

Dimensions: 14,5 x 21 cm (closed)

Print run: 100 copies

Language: Spanish

Collections: Joan Flasch Artists’ Books Collection SAIC, Chicago, IL, EEUU; Northeastern University, Boston MA, EEUU

Year of publication: 2017

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