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In this section, we invite a person related to the field of artists’ publications to answer seven questions of a questionnaire with images.

The main rule is that each question must be answered only with photographs or images, without captions or descriptions.

For version #13 we invited artist Catalina de la Cruz to answer the questionnaire. Let’s see the results.

An image that defines your work

A treasured object in your home

Show us what the sky looks like as you answer this questionnaire

An exhibition that moved you

An essential book in your library

An artwork to which you constantly come back

A spoiler of what you are currently working on

Catalina De la Cruz (Santiago de Chile, 1979). Bachelor in Art, Universidad Católica de Chile and Master in Visual Arts, Universidad de Chile. I have developed my work around the photographic, exploring the limits of the image both in its processual aspect, specializing in chemical photography of the nineteenth century, monochrome photography and the shift to large video support, as well as in its discursivity as an image of the real working in an expanded field, addressing issues on the territory and its intervention – occupation. The notion of immersiveness in the work has been the axis, through scale and narrative. My work unfolds from a proposal of appropriation of the territory through images put in dialogue and articulating visual relationships from an idea of landscape as a mobile, relational and irreducible to meaning construct. Experimenting, indicating, surrounding, observing, exploring, inferring, on elements found in a landscape-experience, and constructing imaginaries, crossing the social, cultural and visual of the territory, on the one hand, and on the other with the light, the reference and the matter of the photographic image.
I have developed my photographic work since 2000, holding solo, two-person and group exhibitions in Chile, at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Galería Espora y Moro, Pinacoteca de Concepción and Centro cultural Palacio la Moneda, among others. In addition to exhibitions, presentations and workshops in Spain, Peru, Mexico, Brazil and the United States, my works are in private and public collections in Chile, France and the United States, including the acquisition of Photochemical Artist Books by the New York Public Library and Getty Foundation, Los Angeles, California, among others, for their collections.

Ig: @catalinadelacruz.cdlc

Web: www.catalinadelacruz.cl

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